7:09 PM

I can't believe the day is gone by. I feel like i have done nothing!! I got my dad in the shower, tried to clean the pool lol, and made 4 braclets and a key chain. Did 3 loads of laundry, washed the hallway, and caught up on my email. But still feel like i have sat here all day and did nothing. But guess i didn't.

Tailor is now in bed, she was gettin crabby!
now, iam gonna go find some jammies, and sit in front of the tv and do some cross stitch. I have been neglecting my project past couple of days, by doing macrame and messing around doing research on the net.

Tomorrow we are going to go get some fish to put in the 55 gal tank we have set up now. Got a picnic to go to and then it is pool time, if it is clean..which it should be!!

til tomorrow..

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