Been too long since I have posted. Life sometimes gets in the way I suppose.
T is almost out of school. She is now playing softball and really enjoys it. She'll be in the 3rd grade next year and it hard to believe!!
I am a new aunt again, my brother had his 3rd child last week. My other brother is expecting his first child in July. Babies all around this year!!! But none for me, one kid is enough!
I have been busy with work and my website which is doing well. Could be better, but it is very time consuming not only to make the jewelry but to run the website as well.
Went fishing yesterday and caught a small fish and a bad sunburn. T likes to fish and she caught the biggest fish yesterday!
Aside from working, looking after dad in the awful nursing home he is in, working on the website, and keeping up with T, I have not really been up to much. I guess doing all that IS enough lol.
One more addition to my family in the last two weeks, her name is Gabby. We adopted her from an animal shelter! She is the best :)
5:25 AM
9:01 PM �
Good to see you posting again. You do a good job.